Thanks to the advancements of information technology we are being connected with family, friends and business partners through different communication channels. Unfortunately criminals are using the same means of communication and therefore the authorities need state-of-the art technology to keep up with the pace.

There is a wide range of specialized equipment which is used in law enforcement, intelligence agencies and the industrial sector for the purpose of ensuring security. Together with our partners we are offering specialized equipment for following applications: protection, detection and surveillance.  

Our partners in the field of specialized equipment

Logo Avon

Avon Protection is global leader in CBRN respiratory protection technology for military, police, firebrigades i and industrial aplication and has 80 year history of  military mask design and manufacture. They use the best material and R & D excellence.


Logo Ketech

KeTech specialises in communication, information and detection technologies. As innovators and integrators developers of intelligent telecommunications software which has use in telecommunication. Detection products cover wide range of markets including transport, industrial, security and public sector.


Logo Limestone

Limestone Technologies is a Canadian company engaged in the development and production of equipment for the collection of data on human physiology, or device to determine the truth. Polygraph Prefessional Suite is the best known product of the company’s, first digital polygraph in the world.


Logo Novo

NOVO Corporation is a widely recognized supplier of security equipment to governmental organizations and large corporations. The company’s success in collecting and accumulating knowledge about the details of the security threats at all levels. We develop the most sophisticated state-of-the-art systems and equipment, so we offer services and special training to meet customers’ requirements.


Logo Septier

Septier Communication provides innovative, reliable and effective for the intelligence agencies, law enforcement and telecom companies. These solutions include communications interception, analysis, cellular location tracking and network surveillance products.


Logo Taser

TASER International was founded in September 1993 with goal and obligation to provide solutions which Protect Life, Protect Truth, and Protect Family.

Taser is leading company in manufacturing Conducted Electrical Weapons(CEWs)committed to reducing violent confrontation, providing accountability, and preventing danger. Taser is committed to protecting life by providing innovative, high quality products and services that exceed customer expectations every time.


Logo Unival Group

Unival group® provides specialized protection solutions for governmental and corporate clients all over the world. Products are developed and manufactured with a modular approach in order to customize final solutions for clients with specific requirements which constantly expose high security risks.
